Sunday 11 March 2012

Don't Forget...

Don't forget....there have been several notes going home lately.....and (as we know) sometimes they just don't make their final destination (home). Here is a bit of a checklist...
  • Photo envelope (Photo day is this Wednesday 14th March). The envelope must be returned on this day with the money enclosed or payment details written on the front. Students must be in their normal school uniform, including correct coloured shoes and socks.
  • Parent / Teacher interviews - Notes were sent home last week inviting parents to nominate a time to have a quick chat with their childs teacher regarding student progress and how they are "settling into school". If you have not yet nominated a time, please contact the class teacher as soon as possible.
  • Parent Helpers - Notes were also sent home asking for any parent helpers. Times and days will vary according to each Kindergarten class, so contact your childs teacher for further information.

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