Wednesday 5 September 2012

KC Rockin' in the Hall

KC Assembly Item on PhotoPeach

Learning about money!

Shopping in KT on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Happy Fathers' Day!

Why I love my dad:) By KT on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Book Week

Kindergarten Parading on PhotoPeach

Positive Feedback

Recently Kindergarten teachers asked their students "How do you know that you're doing well at school?"
Listed below are some of the student responses:

* The teacher smiles at us and says warm fuzzy things
* I look at my work and I can see I have done a good job
* We get Merit Awards
* You get to do special jobs like being class captain
* You get to be a special worker at assembly
* You get a thumbs up from the teacher
* You know more and more words and numbers
* Our work gets trickier and trickier
* The teacher puts lots of ticks on your work
* The teacher shows your work to the class or puts your work on display

Keep up the fantastic work Kindergarten:)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Gross Motor

Remember Gross Motor is on this Term. Come along at 2pm each Tuesday if you can help out.

Thank you to those fabulous parents who have been assisting!

Fairytale Characters

Book Week Parade on PhotoPeach

KT Assembly

The Farm Concert on PhotoPeach

Term 2 Art Gallery Excursion

Scone Arts and Crafts on PhotoPeach

Term 2 Simultaneous Read

The Town Library on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Thank you Fr Glen!

Visit to St Luke's on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Our Excursion!

Jack Johnson Memorial Day on PhotoPeach

It's a boy!!!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Carter!!! Kindergarten wish you all the best:)

Monday 7 May 2012

Thanks Helpers!!

Gross Motor on PhotoPeach


Monster Truck! on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Easter Hat Parade

Happy Easter! on PhotoPeach

Thursday 29 March 2012


Assembly on PhotoPeach

Making our name!

Making our names on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 28 March 2012

We love using the parachute!

KT Fitness on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 21 March 2012

KC Writing

Here are some writing samples from KC. Some children have been trying so hard to write their letters neatly and get them sitting on the lines. Great effort KC!

Phoenix - I am a train driver.


Kawiti - I am an astronaut







Easter Hats

Next week Kindergarten will be making Easter hats in class for our upcoming Easter Hat Parade. Students can bring along some creative items to decorate their hats. Including; pom poms, coloured streamers, felt, shredded paper, little chickens or other craft items you can find at home or the shops.


KT loved making bugs in Science.

KT Science on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 14 March 2012


KP and KT Sport on PhotoPeach

Sunday 11 March 2012

Don't Forget...

Don't forget....there have been several notes going home lately.....and (as we know) sometimes they just don't make their final destination (home). Here is a bit of a checklist...
  • Photo envelope (Photo day is this Wednesday 14th March). The envelope must be returned on this day with the money enclosed or payment details written on the front. Students must be in their normal school uniform, including correct coloured shoes and socks.
  • Parent / Teacher interviews - Notes were sent home last week inviting parents to nominate a time to have a quick chat with their childs teacher regarding student progress and how they are "settling into school". If you have not yet nominated a time, please contact the class teacher as soon as possible.
  • Parent Helpers - Notes were also sent home asking for any parent helpers. Times and days will vary according to each Kindergarten class, so contact your childs teacher for further information.

Kindergarten at Sport

KC and KE at Sport on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 7 March 2012


We used tuxpaint to draw houses using long and short lines. We drew fruit and cut it in half and drew butterflies with two matching halves.
KT at Computers on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Maths - Learning about Halves

Yesterday and today KC have been learning about halves. We know how to cut many shapes in half....many different ways. We tried cutting some things in half today.....the yummy way!
Take a look at our slideshow!

Halves - The yummy way! on PhotoPeach

Sunday 4 March 2012

Hard at Work!


Notes have been sent home asking for parent helpers. If you missed out or the note just didn't make it home, then please let your childs teacher know....and they can send home another one.

Thankyou to all the parents who have replied. The teachers can't wait for you to visit the room and help with small group activities. We absolutely appreciate it and it is a great way to get involved in your childs learning!!!

Gross Motor activities are also a fun way to help out next term. This involves the students rotating around several fun games (organised by the teachers but run by the parent helpers) and refining skills such as balancing, running, catching, throwing, bouncing and kicking.

Thursday 1 March 2012


Today we celebrated two birthdays in KC!
Here are a few pics.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Kindergarten Bus Trip

We learnt all about bus safety and went for a short bus trip.

Kindergarten Bus Trip on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Online Maths Games

The students in KC (and I'm sure other classes too) love playing games on the computer and the Interactive Whiteboard.

I have located some excellent Maths games over the years and here are just a few we have been playing at school. (count the bananas - numbers 2, 3, and 4)

(You can google the following games and they should come up)

  • Crickweb

  • Smart Kiddies

  • Copacabana Public School - Get Smart

  • Count me in Too

  • Count Us In

  • ICT Games

  • Top Marks


Welcome new parents and friends to our Kindergarten blog!

The teachers will try and add something to the blog every second or third day - we hope it will be a HUGE insight into what we actually do every day.......because we know when you ask your child what they have done, they always say....."oh, nothing!"

I assure you......we are super busy in Kindergarten and barely have a moment to spare!

Hope you enjoy it! And don't forget....we love hearing feedback about what you would like to see on here (work samples, homework ideas, educational games, etc)


From the Kindy Team

Playtime on our very first day of Kindy!

KC - Playing on our first day! on PhotoPeach