Tuesday 21 June 2011

Term 2 Week 9

We are nearly half way through Kindergarten! Wow, hasn't that gone fast!
The teachers have been preparing the student reports, which will go home next week.
If you would like to meet with the teacher regarding your child's progress simply phone the office to make an appointment or just drop in and organise a convenient time to have a chat.

This week we are learning about 
      ng          and         v

The children are getting quite confident with the sounds now. Continue blending them together to make simple words, and even some tricky ones too!
Here are a few to get you started:
zip, wind, black, crib, jump, plum, paint, boats, horn, keep, ring, swing


KC & KF: How the birds got their colours

This is an Aboriginal Dreamtime story. Although I couldn't find it online, I did find some links to other Aboriginal stories. Check them out below by clicking on the link!



KW: Mrs Wishy Washy


KP: The Hungry Giant
I couldn't find the story of the hungry giant, so I have included a story about another ginat - Jack and the Beanstalk!


KF will be running the assembly this week. They will also be performing a special dance item! Parents and friends are most welcome to attend. The assembly starts at 12.10pm.


Next Week Scone Public School are celebrating NAIDOC week.
Today, NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields. There will be a special asssembly on Wednesday morning. Parents and friends are invited to attend. The kindergarten students will be performing a song! Parents are invited to stay afterwards for a sausage sizzle with the students.

Happy Birthday

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