Wednesday 29 August 2012

Happy Fathers' Day!

Why I love my dad:) By KT on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Book Week

Kindergarten Parading on PhotoPeach

Positive Feedback

Recently Kindergarten teachers asked their students "How do you know that you're doing well at school?"
Listed below are some of the student responses:

* The teacher smiles at us and says warm fuzzy things
* I look at my work and I can see I have done a good job
* We get Merit Awards
* You get to do special jobs like being class captain
* You get to be a special worker at assembly
* You get a thumbs up from the teacher
* You know more and more words and numbers
* Our work gets trickier and trickier
* The teacher puts lots of ticks on your work
* The teacher shows your work to the class or puts your work on display

Keep up the fantastic work Kindergarten:)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Gross Motor

Remember Gross Motor is on this Term. Come along at 2pm each Tuesday if you can help out.

Thank you to those fabulous parents who have been assisting!

Fairytale Characters

Book Week Parade on PhotoPeach

KT Assembly

The Farm Concert on PhotoPeach

Term 2 Art Gallery Excursion

Scone Arts and Crafts on PhotoPeach

Term 2 Simultaneous Read

The Town Library on PhotoPeach