Thursday 26 May 2011

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Scone Horse Festival

I've finally had the time to experiment (a little) with smilebox! Hope you enjoy this snippet from the Scone Horse Festival! Don't they look like creative little artists!

Scone Horse Festival 2011

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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Term 2 Week 5

Wow! We have had a very busy week! Kindergarten have been doing lots of assessments and showing their teachers all the tricky things they have learnt. This is in preparation for the upcoming school reports.
Every year the children continue to amaze me with their skills! To watch them sit and down and be able to write a sentence about absolutely anything (and for me to be able to read it) is fascinating! Look out because I'll be sinding home some terrific writing samples soon! I hope it's yours!

This week we are just learning about  "ie" as in pie.

The children are remembering so many sounds now! Try saying some words and getting your child to write them down. Here are a few to get you started:
tie, boat, pat, rob, frog, stick, drip, tram

If your child is managing these words then try some more words that have two consonants at the beginning. Such as: black, crab, drip, from, groan, train, club, flap, plain, slap, skin, spud, step

Lots More Games

I found this terrific website the other day when I was looking for some more fun maths games. I've also included the links for some of my favourites too!

Simultaneous Reading
On Wednesday morning all of the Kindy students walked down the street to the town library. We had been invited by Mrs Walton for the annual Simultaneous Reading Day. At 11 o' clock Father Glen started reading "Feathers for Phoebe". At precisely the same time, in libraries all around New South Wales, other students were also listening to the same story! It was a great story about accepting people just as they are! We had a great time and were so glad that it sisn't rain on us while we were walking!
Thankyou Mrs Walton and Father Glen!

Monday 16 May 2011

Term 2 Week 4


Our new sounds for this week are:

      J      and      oa

Games, games and more games!
There are so many fun and educational games out there to help children learn and use sounds! I've added the links below for some computer/internet and some IPOD/IPAD games as well! (Please note: we don't have ipads or ipods in the classroom......yet. Ahhhhh...maybe one day! I wish!)


I love this website. We like to use it a lot in KC. It has some great games to do at home too!
The Fun Fonix website has a great range of activities....including games for lower and upper case letters, beginning sounds, 3 letter words and vowel/letter digraphs.


Reading To Learn

Each class is reading a new book this week: Check out your class' book below!

KP: Mrs Wishy Washy

KW: Meanies (sorry KP, we don't have a recording of meanies yet)

KC & KF: Dear Zoo

National Simultaneous Storytime 2011
The Kindergarten students will be walking to the town library on Wednesday 25th May to participate in Simultaneous Storytime. This is a nation-wide event where students all around Australia will be reading the same book at the same time! We will be reading "Feathers for Phoebe" by Rod Clement. The story is a wonderfully illustrated Australian story about self-esteem, self-acceptance and learning that appearances aren't everything!

Happy Birthday to the following students:

Emma Simpson KW

Rubina Davis KP

Marshall Hutchison KW

Walk Safely to School Day
This Friday Scone Public School is promoting Walk Safely to School Day! The purpose of the day is to encourage students who already walk to school and try and encourage other students to walk (where possible). There will be a free breakfast provided, including fruit and cereal, however it might be a good idea to have breakfast at home and then have a "extra" breakfast snack at school. Happy walking everyone!

Monday 9 May 2011

Term 2 Week 3


We will be starting to learn some blends this week. A blend is when two letters or sounds join together to make one sound.
Our new letters for this week are:
L          and          ai

Must: Students must revise and practice all sounds learnt so far. They must also practice hearing the starting sound for a range of words. Try these ones: dog, kitten, bat, nut, mouse, lollipop, horse, girl, fish, snake, possum, ink, turtle, run.
Should: Students should know the sound and action for all letters learnt so far. They should also be able to write simple 3 letter words. Focus on hearing the middle sound in words.
Could: Students could practice hearing a word and then verbally sounding it out themselves. Eg; mum or dad says “cat” and the child says “c----a----t”

We study a book in class for two weeks. Therefore, each class will be studying the same book as last week. Click on the links in the previous blog to hear the stories online.

Jack Johnson Gala Day:
On Wednesday, students in kindergarten will be walking to White Park for some farm experiences. They will see some sheep shearing, horse shoeing and cattle dog trials. They will be leaving at 11:30 (straight after eating their lunch) and returning at 1:30 (just in time for recess).
Horse Parade:
Thankyou to all the Kindy parents and friends who came along to the Horse Parade on Saturday. The kids looked fantastic and had a great time walking in the parade!

Happy Birthday:
Grace Venables – Saturday 14th May

Sunday 1 May 2011

Term 2 Week 2

Welcome back for the start of Term 2. I hope everyone had an enjoyable break and got lots of rest and relaxation…..I know the teachers did!
But….we are so excited to be back at school, ready for another busy term. We have a lot in store for your child, including the start of literacy and numeracy groups, exciting events such as the horse festival, interesting themes/units and, most of all, some FUN!
Some parents have expressed an interest in establishing a “kindy” parents and friends register. The organising parents are interested in getting together for play dates, social outings, parent coffee sessions, and emergency contacts (if needed). If you are interested in being involved in upcoming “Kindy” social events just fill in your details on the white information sheet (sent home last week) or contact Catherine Bath or Makaala Bogaard (parents of students in KC). Alternatively, you can let your class teacher know and they will pass on your expression of interest.

This term, the students continue to learn letter sounds and will also learn some letter blends. These are when two vowels or a vowel and consonant are together in a word, and make a different sound. Eg: ‘ai’ in snail, ‘oa’ in boat and ‘or’ in horse.
By the end of this week, your child:
MUST: Revise previous sounds and continue to learn new sounds (L and F).
SHOULD: Recognise and immediately recall all letter sounds learnt so far. Practice writing both the lower and upper-case version of each letter. Some children still write their whole name in capital letters. Please encourage them to only use a capital for the beginning letter, and lower-case for the others.
COULD: Say some simple 3 letter words aloud and have your child s-t-r-e-t-c-h the word out by saying each sound they can hear. They can clap the sounds as they say them. Some easy 3 letter words to use would be cat, man, ten, pin, den, gap, him, rock, sap.
The Kindergarten teachers are looking forward to the start of literacy/reading groups this week. The children just love having their parent or relative come into the classroom and help out! It also promotes and models the value of education!
This week, students will be studying the following texts. Click on the links to listen to the stories.
KW: Rosie’s Walk (please excuse the strange, but funny accent!)

KP: Meanies (sorry KP, your book is not online this week)

KC & KF: Mrs Wishy Washy

Home Reading
Each student has been given a clear plastic case with a reading record and a small reader. Students should spend at least 5mins reading to an adult or older sibling each night. You should try and read the same book for several nights – this allows time for your child to become confident with the text. Encourage them to look at the pictures and follow the words with their fingers.
The readers need to be returned each Monday and Thursday so that a new reader can be given. Please keep a record of the books your child is reading each night, as they receive stickers for each level they achieve. Encourage your child to take care of the books by keeping them in the clear protective cases provided and transporting them in a suitable pocket of their school bag.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s reading, please contact your class teacher.
Here is a link to a great Australian clip about helping your child with reading at home:

Birthdays this Week
Happy birthday to the following Kindergarten children!
KC: Cody Wattus (3rd May)

KF: Brock Shone (23rd April)

Horse Parade
Saturday 7th May is the annual Scone and Upper Hunter Horse Parade. The school will be participating in the parade and the costume theme is ARTISTS! Any students can participate, they just need a costume! Students will need to meet at Scone Public School on Saturday morning at 10am. Parents may leave their child with the supervising teachers so that they can head down the street to get a great viewing position. At the end of the parade, students must be collected promptly from Scone Public School. Hope to see you there!